Do you use SVG?

People will often ask me about SVG, but I sometimes wonder how many Illustrator users really use SVG.

For those who don't know, SVG -- or Scalable Vector Graphics -- is a file format that is used mainly on the web and in mobile devices. SVG is an open standard and is a text-based format, making it easy to modify at any time. In fact, SVG is pretty much a mashup of JavaScript and XML.

Illustrator has robust support for SVG. You can open and save SVG files -- and you can even apply SVG Filter Effects (runtime effects that are applied when SVG files are played back in the Adobe SVG Viewer). Illustrator also has an SVG Interactivity panel to assist in adding JavaSript events to artwork.

I'm thinking about writing up some more content around the use of SVG with Illustrator, but wonder if Illustrator users really use SVG enough to warrant that. So if there are any Illustrator users out there who use SVG, I'd love to hear about it -- post comments here, or drop me an email. Thanks!

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