Naturally, like just about all of us in life, I wanted more.
And with that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to what I view as the next step. A way for me to get more involved in building a true community around not just Illustrator, but the very things that we all care about. It's called MOGO Media. Some of you may already be familiar with Barry Anderson, who runs the truly fantastic InDesign Conference and Creative Suite Conference. I've partnered up with Barry and some other good friends (David Blatner of InDesign Secrets) in the hopes that I can share even more information with even more people around the world.
MOGO Media brings together a collection of some of the leading experts and authors in the world of design and publishing through conferences and seminars, blogs, podcasts, and user forums. Membership is free and I hope that you find the resources valuable.
Don't worry - the Real World Illustrator blog isn't going away - it is still a wonderful place where I can share valuable information on Illustrator. But in many ways, I can offer much more through MOGO Media. For example, I get many many questions emailed to me every day. So does my friend David Blatner over at InDesign Secrets. As do many other of my peers. Writing out detailed responses or posting some information on a blog can take quite a bit of time. In fact, sometimes I just wish I could just walk over to a reader's computer and SHOW them the answer to their question. So I've created something called AskMOGO -- it's a video podcast that allows me to answer questions in a more efficient -- and engaging -- way. You can already see a few of these podcasts over at MOGO Media and judging by how many questions I have, I can promise a lot more of those coming soon.
Most importantly, I value the opinions of all of my readers. Please share with me your thoughts either in the comments here or via email. If you have ideas or things you'd like to see, let me know, and I'll do my best to make it happen. If you like what you see, please spread the word!