Petalsweet Preparing for ICES Part II

The ICES Convention is about a week away now, and I am just about finished with all of the prep work for my display cake. I need to complete my peony flowers and buds, and will be dusting my freesia and hydrangea flowers today and tomorrow...and hopefully it will all be done just in time to create the floral topper and arrangements this weekend. Here are a few more photos from this past week!

Yellow ranunculus flowers:

The flower prep so far without the peonies and freesia:

Getting ready to dust the leaves:

Dusted hydrangea leaves:

Glazed hydrangea, peony and gardenia leaves:

Styrofoam order from last week...and somewhere in there are the specific tiers I decided to use for my display cake:

...and they have already been covered with fondant, and are ready to be stacked and decorated with the final elements of my design! I'm keeping things pretty simple to balance the tiers and the flowers...and I'm looking forward to having it all come together!

More photos coming soon...thanks for stopping by!

Copyright © 2010 by Jacqueline Butler of Petalsweet Cakes. Content of this blog (including text, photographs and layout) is the property of Jacqueline Butler - please respect copyright laws. If you want to link to my blog, or post any of my photos, please contact me - it would be great to have the opportunity to connect with you. Thank you!

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