Mix and Match

Matching flowers to the right vase can sometimes be tricky.
The colour of the flowers, the colour of the vase, clear glass vase or solid china.
The choices can become endless. 
You might also have to take into consideration where you are going to place the vase, what colour tablecloth or colour surface.

The same flower can look very different depending on what vase you use and what you put next to the arrangement.

Dark purple crocus in a light green jug, some pretty ribbons around it, standing on a silverplated tray and positioned in front of a platter. The look is springlike, vintage and colourful.
The same purple crocus can also looks fun in a retro vase decorated with crocus. The arrangement stands out put on a plain linen cloth.

The same pink jug can be used in different ways.
By adding a small lace table cloth, some beads, a gold frame and a pink ribbon to the already over the top pink hyacinths makes this arrangement look very romantic.

The same jug but this time using pink tulips.
Again the pink is picked up in the wide pink stripe on the jug.
The only addition is some floral pink fabric on a cushion next to the arrangement.

Pink freesias used in two different ways.
Mixed with pink tulips and positioned on a dark tablecloth it looks dramatic and contemporary.
You barely recognise the same pink freesias in a more vintage setting.
By using an old favorite white jug, more lace and a big bunch of pearls you have a very different look.

I like them all but my favourite are the pink tulips in the jug with the pink stripe.

Do you have a favourite?

Have a lovely Sunday evening!

xoxo Ingrid

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