Conversation on Gender in Photography at Hagedorn Foundation Gallery

Laura Noel, Stephanie Dowda, and others will join a panel of critics and curators including Rebecca Dimling Cochran, curator of The Wieland Collection; Lisa Kurzner, independent scholar and photography expert; and Michael David Murphy, ACP Program Manager and critic, to ask the question, "Is There a Gender Voice?"

The conversation takes place tonight, April 7th, 2011.

The panel, moderated by Hagedorn director Brenda Massie, is to explore the idea of voice in relationship to work by female photographers in this show as well as in "Pictures by Women: A History of Modern Photography," currently on display at MoMA.

Since all of the photographers in the Hagedorn Foundation Gallery show, save one, are Southern, and since the idea of the Southern woman is important in Southern cultural history, I hope the question of whether there is a Southern female photographer will come up.

Interesting that the conversation is framed in terms of a "gender voice," a concept I am more familiar with in literary circles. I'm surprised the conversation is not framed in terms of a gendered vision or perspective, terms more congenial, one would have thought, to a conversation wkith photographers.

I would love to be at this event. I hope someone who reads this blog and who goes to the discussion will make a full report.

Space on this blog will be provided.

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