Matt Eich in the Mississippi Delta on YouTube

We haven't tried videos on Southern Photography before, but this is a meditation on work done by  Matt Eich  in Baptist Town in the Mississippi Delta.

Matt is one of the Southern Photographers We Watch Out For. He says of this work that it is part of an ongoing project "about the dichotomy of light and dark, sin and salvation in the Deep American South. On a deeper level it is about the inheritance of slavery and how it continues to impact generations of people growing up in America."

That, and Matt's skill in making images that are arresting and compelling, makes this experiment worth trying.

Matt is part of the LUCEO group of photographers you can follow on their website here or their FaceBook page, here. 

Matt will also have work from this and other portfolios in a variety of venues in the coming months.

Look for Matt's work at The Bridge PAI, in Charlottesville, VA for “Altered States” LUCEO group exhibition, curated by Brian Paul Clamp up from June 2 – June 30, also at the  New York Photo Festival, New York, NY, for a show called “Hope” curated by Enrico Bossan, from May 11 -May 15.

He will also be at the Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO for a show entitled “Center Forward,” curated by Hamidah Glasgow – May 6 – June 11. Finally, at the Contemporary Arts Center of Virginia, Virginia Beach, VA, for a show entitled ”Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes“, curated by Heather Hakimzidah, up from March 24 – June 26.

Strong work here, Matt. Keep us posted

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