Spring Green

Green and white looks very fresh in the spring and a tulip called 'Spring Green' is one of my favourite tulips.
I made a little flower arrangement in a vintage green glass bottle.
The tulip I used is mainly white but has little green stripes on the outside of the petals.
I mixed them with a white Ranuculus and some Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' a shrub that has very light green-tinted  flowers.

I also wanted to make some kind of background to the arrangement using more of my washi tape.
Using some brown wrapping paper and washi masking tape with some lovely trailing ivy in two different green colours.
I wanted a clean and simple look so a few stripes of the tape was enough.    

The Viburnum has such a lovely and delicate green colour.

A few buttons and an old and broken but very beautiful vintage broach.
All picking up the lovely spring green colours.

In the UK you can buy the ivy washi masking tape from Papermash.

Have a lovely spring green day!!

xoxo Ingrid

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