Magenta Publishing Announces Southern Winners of Flash Forward Competition

Magenta Publishing has announced the winners of their seventh annual Flash Forward - Emerging Photographers Competition for 2011.

There are some familiar names on the list with Southern roots or connections, including Matt Eich and Jeff Rich, both of whom are having outstanding years in the development of their careers.

Some names less familiar, at least to me, are Texas-based photographer Sarah SudhoffMorgan Ashcom, who received his BFA at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA;  and Sara Macel, who was born in Texas (although she now lives elsewhere) and has been photographing in the South, including Memphis (see her photograph from Graceland above) and New Orleans.

Honorable Mentions with Southern connections in this competition include Brian Anselm, who studied at Western Kentucky University; Atlanta's David Walter Banks; Asheville,'s Erin Brethauer; Tennessee's Michael Clinard (though he now works in Seattle); and Florida's Danny Ghitis (though he now works in Brooklyn).

Definitely strong work here, very much worth checking out. 

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