Fall Line Press Opens in Atlanta

Fall Line Press, a new photo book publishing enterprise created by Atlanta photographers William Boling and Michael David Murphy, is opening officially this Thursday, June 30th, 2011, at their headquarters at Brickworks, 1000 Marietta Street, Suite 112, in Atlanta, GA.

Fall Line publisher William Boling says the press is dedicated to the belief that the book is the way to combine photographs and writing, a combination that in his view has "from the beginning struck the central chord of the photographic medium."

He goes on: "Each generation of artists, photographers, writers and their audiences" has "turned to the book to communicate and explore . . . extended forms and complex statements" about the world. "Fall Line is devoted to working closely with contemporary artists, photographers and writers to produce works in books and editions that connect with these times and our community to move ahead the conversations that shape how we think and feel."

Fall Line's inaugural publication is the launching of a quarterly called Free Fall, which will feature each year the work of one photographer. Each volume of Free Fall (four issues) will be published in a limited edition of 50 signed copies, at a cost of $50.00.

The first volume will feature the work of Atlanta photographer Laura Noel and will be available at the official opening of the Press on June 30th. Volume Two will feature the work of  Maury Gortemiller, yet another member of the thriving Atlanta-based photography community. It will begin to appear this fall. 

The Fall Line Press facility also includes a photography book reading room, a true treasure in this or any age. Fall Line also has a blog you can follow, here --http://blog.falllinepress.com/  And you can read more about Fall Line here, from the GrapeHouse blog.

The Fall Line offices would seem to me to be the place to be if you are in Atlanta this Thursday. Fall Line Press seems to me like a courageous act of faith in the power of the book and of paper and ink when the trend of history in photography seems to be going on-line and electronic. Best wishes, folks, and keep me posted on your plans.

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