Charlottesville-based photographer Pamela Pecchio has a portfolio of work called On Longing, Distance and Heavy Metal featured now on the Women in Photography section of the Humble Arts Foundation's website.
Pamela says this body of work comes from a period of time when she was commuting between North Carolina and Virginia, making a 3 1/2 hour journey to connect these two places in her life. Reconnecting with her love of heavy metal music as she drove, she also began to make images of the landscapes through which she passed.
Working at dawn and dusk with a large format camera, she sought to make images that are "complex and dissonant, sometimes barren, sometimes lovely, and densely layered like both heavy metal and my internal state. "I have drawn upon the history of landscape photography," she says, "to project my psychological condition onto the natural world. My goal is to evoke in the viewer a response to the work that is equivalent to the response I had to my surroundings."
Pamela Pecchio was born in Massachusetts in 1974, but was raised in Atlanta, Georgia. She received her BFA from the University of Georgia in 1998 and her MFA in Photography from the Yale University School of Art in 2001.
Pamela is having great success with the increasingly important world of online exhibitions. In addition to the show on the Humble Arts Foundation website, she also has an image from this portfolio on Flak Foto, as their featured work, HERE.