Catching Up: Early Fall Edition

Still loads of good things happening this fall for photographers and photography in the South.

Here are three more items of interest: 

1. One One Thousand features for early fall the New Orleans photography Jennifer Shaw and her Hurricane Story project.

We've discussed this portfolio by Shaw earlier on this blog so we won't dwell on her work further, except to say it's good to see her work in One One Thousand.

Her images look just as good in this venue as they do in the book. 

Maybe better, actually  -- the jewel tones in these images look great when printed on paper in book format, but they take on a luminescent quality when backlighted on a computer screen that truly enriches the viewing experience and thus the impact of these haunting images.

2. Distinguished photography blogger Joerg Colberg. master of the Conscientious blog, is now featuring the intriguing work of Atlanta-based photographer Julie Sims from her Uncharted Territory portfolio, work she showed this year at the Castell Photography Gallery in Asheville, NC.

Sims' work is about trying to come to terms with the experience of mental illness by externalizing it through drawing parallels between disruptions of the inner world of the mind and external disruptions caused by natural disasters in the world around us.

Sims' images show "constructed settings" that "reference both the natural world, and the anatomical structures and chemical pathways of the brain."

She says, "The devastation of a home disrupts our ability to carry on with life as usual, and replaces an assumed security with the helpless feeling of being controlled by unseen forces. Our psychological environment is similarly subject to fault lines and erosive conditions."

Her work seeks to offer "a different context in which to consider mental health issues, and reminds us that systems of the mind and body are as interdependent as we are with the environment in which we live."

3. The September issue of SouthxSoutheast is out now on their website,, with loads of articles, essays, and other kinds of features on the general topic of music in Southern culture.

There is 'way too much good stuff here to try to summarize, and you need to put down (a very modest) subscription fee to get to it, so I want go into much detail.

Just a taste, however:

Photographers featured include William Eggleston (photographing Graceland), Jimmy Williams (photographing Blues musicians), Larry Fink (photographing the music scene post-Katrina in New Orleans), Briney Imes (photographing small clubs in Mississippi), and much, much more.

Especially interesting is the portfolio assembled by John Bennette of Gospel musicians at work.

SxSE is well worth the price of admission. Check it out!

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