Sally Mann Show at Jackson Fine Art

Sally Mann will have a show of her photographs at Atlanta's Jackson Fine Art Gallery, at 3115 East Shadowlawn Avenue, opening Friday, September 9th, 2011 and up through Saturday, October 29th.

This show will offer images from Mann's Proud Flesh portfolio, a richly envisioned meditation on the aging body, especially of Mann's husband.  Work from other portfolios by Mann will be on view as well.

This show opens with a reception from 6-9 pm on September 9th, to be attended by Mann.

This is a not-to-be-missed show. Mann is doing exceptional work. And the venue is a fine place to see it.

I remember my first visit to Jackson Fine Art, an unassuming white house in a residential neighborhood of Atlanta.

I had to wonder, from the outside, what there could be to see in the inside. But once inside, one finds that the modest building turns out to have wings and additions that provide exceptional amounts of space for viewing photographs.

The staff is gracious and thoroughly professional, exuding authentic Southern hospitality.

The work up that day was an earlier show of Mann's work, her large photographs of Southern landscapes. I was enthralled with her work, and have remained so, and the gallery space showed it splendidly.

You gotta check this out, if you are in Atlanta. 

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