The annual
Atlanta Celebrates Photography Festival is now in full swing, with shows up all over Atlanta and in neighboring towns in museums and galleries and restaurants, with talks and receptions, and lectures, and the portfolio review, and more, and more, and more.
To find out what's happening, there is the on-line version of
the Guide, here.There is also a preview from
BurnAway Magazine, here.There is also ACP's own
FaceBook page here, and
blog, here. There are mainly lots of splendid and challenging and engaging and disturbing photographs to see. People I know either in person or through this blog have work up, like my friend Titus Heagins (image above) who has work in a show at the
Arnika Dawkins Gallery called
Black & White and Color, opening October 14th with a reception from 6-8 pm.
Titus also has
a new website, here, so check that out, too.
I will be down for a look atACP in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime I will try to experience ACP vicariously through blogs and online versions of shows and first-person accounts that filter this way.
Keep 'em coming, folks.