Week 7 Review --Black and White Conversion

Sometime a photo just looks better as a "Black & White" ...

Black White  1 of 2

Bkack White  2 of 2

This image was shot way under exposed, as my electronic "finder" had just failed and… I was in the Forbidden City at the time!

Even though the resultant photo was way under exposed, and the recovered photo was really noisy, conversion to Black and White really helped the "image".

Note that Lightroom's export function has a built in watermark utility that lets you add a text or a graphic watermark to any image you save from Lightroom... I'll write a "blog" about how to make your own "graphic" watermark in Photoshop and a batch method to add it to folders of photos in a few steps.

In Adobe's Bridge program the only place that you can export an image with a watermark is in the Output Module and saving the image as a PDF! In the OUTput PDF Module there is dialogue for entering copyright text or a graphic… BTW if you use a PC the copyright symbol can be typed using the alt key and typing on the keypad the numeric code 0169. More about that later...

Black and White Video

I found a really excellent video on Black and White conversion using Lightroom on the Luminous Landscape web site. The Video features Michael Reichmann and Jeff Schewe. It is an excerpt from their video tutorial sequence Camera to Print and Screen.

Michael takes us from his original photo through to the black and white conversion in this video step by step. To detail his process of how he arrived at the final image Michael uses Lightroom "presets". (Quite innovative!) Watch the video full screen! I really found the video refreshing and inspiring. http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/bw_workflow_in_lightroom.shtml. The whole series is outstanding!




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