Red Vintage Haberdashery and Washi Tape

I have always loved the word 'haberdashery'. In the Oxford English Dictionary it gives a British and an American definition. The British is: a dealer in dressmaking and sewing goods, the American is: a dealer in men's clothing. I am sticking with the British version.

I come from a long line of weavers, spinners, dressmakers, milliners, knitters and my grandmother made crocheted lace.

My grandparents and great-grandparents also owned a country store with a haberdashery department. As a little girl I spent many happy days helping out in the store.

I think I know where my love of both vintage and new haberdashery comes from!

The red wooden pin is a hatpin for knitted hats.

I grew up with rickrack trimmings and I loved how many of my homemade clothes were often decorated with the braiding. 

With all the red vintage haberdashery I have added another favorite of mine: Japanese washi tape. A re-usable paper tape that can be used for almost anything. I am sure you all have heard of it by now.

If the grandparents and the store were still around I am sure they would be selling washi tape!!
Have a marvellous day!

xoxo Ingrid

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