Beautiful sunset across the harbor in Auckland. Shot with my Nikon D3 and processed using Lightroom

Today was a great day to be out in Auckland (New Zealand), it was nice to finally have a few clear days, it almost felt like a slice of summer. I really like the simplicity of this shot, I added a bit more color in Lightroom and then pushed the tones toward green instead of blue. I used the clarity function to enhance the clouds, I also added a few gradient filters top and bottom to darken the sky and water. I finished the image off by adding some selective sharpening to bring out the texture on the waves. CLICK HERE to learn more about Adobe Lightroom. To learn more about how I process images check out my Lightroom Tutorial and Lightroom Presets.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Adobe Lightroom. To learn more about how I process images check out my Lightroom Tutorial and Lightroom Presets.

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