Nature Still Life - Shot using natural light and image processing using Adobe Lightroom

Here is another still life that was taken on my lounge floor on a piece of paper. I have only used natural light filtering in through the window, and all the other lighting effects have been produced using Lightroom. The main object of this shot was to really bring out the leaf texture which almost looks like blood vessels! I managed to achieved this by using the tone curve and simply darkening the shadow areas, I then added some split tone color - blue into the shadows and yellow into the highlights. I also enhanced the overall saturation and vibrancy of the image. In the background I added a colored gradient filter to darken the background, and then finished off the image by doing some selective sharpening. CLICK HERE to learn more about Adobe Lightroom. To learn more about how I process images check out my Lightroom Tutorial and Lightroom Presets.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Adobe Lightroom. To learn more about how I process images check out my Lightroom Tutorial and Lightroom Presets.

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