Black and White… and Prepping for Printing...

I'm working on a web page about the history of Black and White prints and the different processes


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Before you Print or Publish to the web Soft Proof

Printing from CS6

Printing  setup in Photoshop  CS6 has changed… but, the procedure to get a print ready to print  hasn't.

The Basic rule here is:  You want Photoshop to manage the color NOT THE PRINTER!  You after all have done all of "that" photo enhancing and you want to see the colors you selected in the print!!

Read the following pdf file by Martin Evening…
Color management 

Ben Wilmore's Colormanagement Simplified is no longer available

To save you ink, paper and time you NEED to soft proof your images…

You'll need color profiles for YOUR  paper and printer.

Here's the steps 

If you have Lightroom 4.x Do your soft proofing in Lightroom, It's quicker and easier in Lightroom

Softproofing in Lightroom 4

Once you have made your "tweaks" to soft proof and image for a particular paper and printer, or output for the web as sRGB, you can apply those same adjustments to ALL the photos before they are printed.
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