Frosty Birds

The past couple of days here have looked like a winter wonderland. Having had freezing fog, everything was covered in a thick layer of frost. With the sun shining I braved the minus 3 conditions for a few hours in my hides. My first goal was to try and get the Buzzards down on the frosty grass. It took quite some time before one of them decided to come to feed. The male was sitting in the tree above, but for some reason didn't want to come down. I think possibly because he had watched me go into the hide. The female who is much more wary than the male did eventually fly in. I had to be extra careful not to spook her as I had a feeling it would be over for the day if I did. Carefully, I managed to get the shots that I wanted. After she had gone I turned my attention to the 5 or 6 Jays that were coming in to feed. After about 3 hours the skies clouded over and it was back to the house to thaw out.

bird, raptor, nature, wildlife, frost, frosty, winter

bird, raptor, nature, wildlife, frost, frosty, winter

bird, raptor, nature, wildlife, frost, frosty, winter

bird, nature, wildlife, frost, frosty, winter

bird, nature, wildlife, frost, frosty, winter

bird, nature, wildlife, frost, frosty, winter

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