Red Kites

My friend Rich and I decided that we were long overdue a trip to the Red Kite feeding station at Gigrin Farm in mid Wales. It was 2006 that I was last there so some new pictures of the Kites were desperately needed. We chose what was supposed to be a clear sunny day, I say supposed to be. There was a lot of dark cloud about and very little sunshine which isn't good for flight shots.
The birds were fed and the frenzy of several hundred Kites circling and diving was quite a spectacle. We made the most of the brief spells of the sun, which only totalled about twenty minutes throughout the afternoon. I was trying to achieve shots that were a little different from the norm which went reasonably well. Another trip is on the cards later this winter though, this time with a clear afternoon.

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

bird, wildlife, nature, bird of prey

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