TV Programme

Since I returned from Scotland I have been very busy with various projects and haven't really progressed as well as I would have liked with processing images. The next few weeks should see a lot of images added to my site and a few more blog posts.

One project I have been involved with is working on a BBC TV programme called Urban Jungle. This is one of a three part series of half hour programmes which will be shown later in the year. It's aimed at getting people more involved in the wildlife on their doorstep. I spent a day showing presenter Rani Price how to take photographs of urban wildlife.

Having not done any TV work before, I was a little nervous at first, but was soon put at ease by Rani and the team, headed by producer Ged Clarke. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day with plenty of pictures taken and plenty of sunshine for a change. I'm not sure whether I am looking forward to seeing myself on television, but I think I did okay. Many thanks go to Ged for the opportunity to do the programme.

This was the last shot at the end of the day. Rani had rushed off to catch her train, so here's sound man Rob, Producer Ged and cameraman Paul.

Urban Jungle, Ged Clarke


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