FLOWERS by ingrid and titti - Say it with Flowers!

The theme for this week's FLOWERS is 'Say It With Flowers'. We often associate certain flowers with a particular meaning. Roses with love, Lily-of-the-valley with return of happiness, violets with innocence and so the list goes on. This was something that was very popular in Victorian times. 

We still sometimes use flowers this way but today we choose more whether it's a happy or a sad occasion. In early spring we might buy daffodils to cheer us up because we relate daffodils with springtime, sun and a new beginning. Later in the spring we will buy tulips that we often look at as a happy flower. Lilies on the other hand a lot of people associate with sadness. 

BUT I have chosen to do something different. I picked three white but very different flowers - Gypsophila, Gladiolus and Stock. Instead of looking at flowers having a meaning - I'm looking at flowers and how you can very, very simply style them in different ways.

I have used the same flowers in two different ways by adding a selection of props. Sometimes I'm using the same vase or container other times a different vase.

In the first image of each flower it's a vintage look in the second it's more of a contemporary look.

The whole colour scheme is very simple - it's white with a few touches of black.

I have added a mix of black and white contemporary fabrics, white napkins, white vintage enamelled jars from France, vintage lace, a Finnish glass bowl and vase, old books, a vintage funnel and a bowl with vintage dice and curtain rings.

I wanted to show how you can make the same flowers look good in different environments by simply changing the styling using vintage or contemporary fabrics and other props. 

If you go over to Titti's blog you can see her interpretation of this week's theme. Here is the link to her blog. 

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a lovely floral Friday!

Titti and I will be back later in June with some more FLOWERS with a new and interesting theme.

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