Aaron Hardin and Matt Eich Win Magnum Awards

The Magnum Photography Award recipients for 2016 have been announced and among them are two Southern photographers.

Jackson, Tennessee-based photographer Aaron Hardin (see image above) has received first prize in the Fine Art Photography category for work from his 13th Spring portfolio

Charlottesville, VA-based photographer Matt Eich (see image above) is one of five students to receive special recognition as photographers "who show great promise and deserve special attention at this early stage of their careers."

Eich received this recognition for work from his This is Not Your Family portfolio. 

The Magnum Photography Awards is an international competition which this year drew entries from over 127 countries, which the jurors reduced to 24 winners in several categories and an additional 20 finalists. 

Congratulations to Hardin and to Eich for receiving these high honors, which are both richly deserved and well-earned. 

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