SOUTHERN GLOSSARY is a new New Orleans-based web-based magazine which promises to be "about art, culture, and performance across the South." 

The folks at SOUTHERN GLOSSARY say the want to bring us "a South unburdened by archetypes or stereotypes, full of art and enterprise." 

They promise to bring us "clear writing that promotes and supports talented artists, valuable art institutions, and the communities both serve. 

SOUTHERN GLOSSARY has an Instagram account that rotates curators each week. Artists from across the South are invited to share their visual art, photography, or documentary work.
Photographers whose work is on exhibit on SOUTHERN GLOSSARY include Hannah Cooper McCauley (see image above), Gordon Hight (see image directly below), and Ashley Gates (see the image second below). 


To submit work, email your website and Instagram handle to SOUTHERN GLOSSARY at

SOUTHERN GLOSSARY also promises to bring out a print issue which includes images from the Instagram account, along with essays and interviews. 

Issues #1 and Issue #2 are now available, here.  More on Issue #1 here.

As you can see, there is good work here, as well as good opportunities to get work out and seen.  

We welcome the good folks at SOUTHERN GLOSSARY to the larger world of Southern fine art photography, and promise to keep up with what they are doing with SOUTHERN GLOSSARY in the days and weeks ahead.

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