Catching Up with Eyes on the South -- Late Summer, 2016

Photographers featured -- since our last listing --  in Jeff Rich's ongoing Eyes on the South for the Oxford American include the following:

1. New Orleans-based photographer Virginia Hanusik (see image above), with images from her portfolio Backwater.

2.  Florida-born but Brooklyn-based photographer Michael Adno (see image above), with images from his portfolio Cracker Politics, The Limit of Colonial Knowledge.

3. Conway, SC-based photographer Tracy Fish (see image above), with images from her portfolio When the Road Seeks

4. Atlanta-based photographer Kelly Kristen Jones (see image above), with images from her portfolio Gray Space

Jones has also been interviewed on Burnaway, go here.  

5. Durham, NC-based photographer Lisa McCarty (see image above), with images from her Lumen portfolio, go here.

6. Durham, NC-based photographer Kate Medley (see image above), with images from her Somewhere Else portfolio, go here. 

7. New Orleans photographer Harold F. Baquet  (see image above), with images from his Eyes of Desire portfolio, go here. 

Baquet's work has also been featured in the Washington Post, go here

8. Greenville, SC-based photographer Polly Gaillard (see image above), with images from her December and Everything After portfolio, go here.

9. Washington, DC-based photographer John Jons (see image above), with images from his The Going Places: Southern Routes portfolio, go here.

10. Fredericksburg, Virginia-based photographer Eric Marth (see image above), with images from his A Virginia Roadside Companion portfolio, go here. 

Still more to come, from The Southern Photographer. 

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