Supermarket Flowers in Jam Jars

A lot of different supermarkets sell bunches of flowers for a very reasonable price - but they often lack a bit of imagination. 

I think we can do better than this! Don't you think so too?

Start off by taking the bunch apart. Condition the flowers by stripping off any leaves that will end up below the water-line in the container. Trim the ends of the stems at an angle and put in fresh water as soon as possible.

Then separate the flowers and foliage by colour or type of foliage, so that you can see how many stems of each you have.

This bunch consisted mainly of pink roses, pink spray chrysanthemums, purple stock, purple trachelium and freesia. 

Nice colours and the flowers were fresh but I wanted to do something drastically different.

I wanted to use some recycled jam jars as my containers. They are quick and easy to make as they are small in size. As an added little extra I have tied a pretty ribbon around each jar.

I used all the flowers in the bunch and I didn't substitute with any other flowers or foliage. So choose carefully when you pick out the flowers in the supermarket.  

I made two jars using mainly pink flowers. They are similar but a little bit different. I used two different ribbons both are light grey in colour - a nice contrast to the pink. 

The third one has three different purple flowers. There I used a dark grey ribbon as a contrast to the purple.

You need to cut the stems quite short. Measure against the side of the jar. Be generous with the amount of flowers in each jar. You want it to look full and abundant not stingy in any way.

Little jam jars can be used for almost all occasions and for most rooms in the house. The added ribbons from Jane Means' collection, also make it all look a little bit more special.

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Wednesday!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back on Friday with another 'FLOWERS by ingrid and titti'. The first FLOWERS, from Titti Malmberg and I, after a break over the summer. 


~ xoxo ~

[Styling, photography and text © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

[Ribbons from Jane Means' ribbon collection.]

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