CS4 - How do you want it?

I hope you're planning on sleeping this weekend -- because next week you'll be up finding out everything you can about CS4, right? Then again, who needs sleep anyway?

OK, so I have a big question for all of my readers -- how do you want it? Over the years, I've tried to deliver the best kind of content to my loyal readers. I've done things in writing, I've done the video podcast thing. I've done live events, eSeminars, the whole deal. But when it comes to learning about a new product -- when it comes to really finding out about the things that matter -- how would you prefer to learn about the new versions of software that will be announced next week? What matters most to you? Pretty screenshots? Live action video podcasts? Movies of screens? Lots of written content about all the new stuff? How about everyone just comes over to my house and we'll all huddle around my desk and chat about what's most important to you? I'd like to make things as personal and interactive as possible :)

Also, which applications do you want to know about? I've already covered most of the things that are in Fireworks CS4. Obviously, I'll cover Illustrator CS4 in exacting detail. But do you also want to know about what's new in Flash CS4? Device Central CS4? What about any other CS4 apps? (I know where I stand in regards to InDesign or Photoshop -- for info on those apps, I will happily direct you to InDesign Secrets and Deke.com respectively).

So sleep well...

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