Help the Photo Book Club Find Book Stores in the South

We're joining with One One Thousand to appeal to Southern photographers to help The Photo Book Club identify books stores with strong collections of photography books.

The Photo Book Club has set out to make a map of good book stores for photography books.

The folks at One One Thousand note that they have no book stores in the Southeast on their map.

I'm sending the Photo Book Club the names of the Regulator Bookshop and the Gothic Bookshop in Durham, Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, and the Bulls Head Book Shop in Chapel Hill, as well as the bookstores in the NC Museum of Art and the Nasher Museum.

I bet there are fine stores in other parts of the South. Lets let them hear from us.

The way to make recommendations is via  social media.


twitter: @photobookclub

hashtag: #photobc

Tell them the name and address of the store and give some comments on their holdings.

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