Southern Photographers Sarah Sudhoff and Alex Leme in En Foco New Works #14 Show

En Foco, the NYC nonprofit dedicated to cultural diversity in photography, has announced the winners of its New Works #14 Photography Fellowship Awards Competition, about which there is more here. 

Southern photographers in this show include Houston's Sarah Sudhoff  and Arkansas's Alex Leme, whose image "Tyler, Trace, Austin and Adam (2009)" is above.

The juror was Andy Adams, Editor & Publisher, the online photography magazine Flak Photo.

The full list of photographers, with links to some of their work is here:

Rona Chang, • Alex Leme Susana RaabDaniel RamosSarah Sudhoff

Work by all these photographers is now up in an exhibition at the Skylight Gallery in the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation Center for Arts & Culture at 1368 Fulton Street, in Brooklyn, through July 1, 2011.

You can see the  show on En Foco's blog, here:

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