Sally Mann on PBS: Art-21

There is a fascinating, though overly brief, documentary on Sally Mann available on PBS at the moment. Its part of their ART:21 series that deals with a range of artists who are offered by PBS as representing American art in the 21st century.

This episode is on the subject of PLACE.  If you click on the above link, you can watch the entire episode, which also includes segments devoted to Richard Serra and some other folks. Mann's is the second segment and it starts about 14 minutes into the episode.

This ART: 21 episode includes conversation with Mann, and with her husband and some of her children. There is discussion of Mann's cameras, methods, artistic concerns, and the like. There is also discussion of her artistic concerns, especially their Southern roots in landscape, family, history, and opportunity.

PBS also has a web page for Mann, here, that includes more information, more filmed material, more links. 

What with her show in Richmond, VA, her involvement in this project for PBS, and her upcoming talks at Harvard, Mann is having a major year in her professional life. This is good to see. and to enjoy, and to celebrate.

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