How To - Choosing and Buying Cut Flowers

• When you buy cut flowers, look at them carefully to ensure they are in good condition.

• If you choose your flowers with care and look after them well, they will give you pleasure for longer.

• There are many different places to buy flowers - from your local super market or grocery store to upmarket florist shops.

• You might have access to a wholesale flower market. They are large and busy places and can be a bit overwhelming if you are not used to them but it is worth persevering.

• My favourite are all the local farmers markets. They are more likely to sell flowers that are in season and are usually very reasonably priced.

• Make sure the flowers have their stems in clean water.

• Avoid flowers with wilted, yellow or brown leaves or flowers that are shedding their leaves.

• Avoid flowers with floppy heads or petals that are starting to brown at the edges.

• Flowers that are being sold at a reduced price may not be a bargain as they might not last for very long.

• Look for flowers with fresh green leaves.

• Look for flowers with pert heads and some stems that are still in bud.

• The buds should show the colour of their petals just breaking through.

• There are some flowers that you should avoid buying when only tight green buds are showing such as peonies, poppies, roses and irises as they will probably never open.

• Ensure the flowers are well wrapped for the journey home. It will protect them from any fluctuating temperatures.

• Remove the wrapping as soon as you get home to prevent any build-up of condensation. Also remove any ties or elastic bands.

• Condition the flowers as soon as possible. They have been out of water for a while and the stems will have started to dry out.

• Conditioning your flowers will make them last longer and here is how to do it.

Have a wonderful Flower Day!

xoxo Ingrid

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