Jennifer Trausch Photographs in the South

New York-based photographer Jennifer Trausch has made a body of work in the South using a large-format Polaroid camera. This camera produces 20x24 inch images, and Trausch has made good use of it in Tennessee and other places.

You can see the portfolio HERE. (click on the outline of the map in the lower left of her website.) You can read about Trausch's working in the South HERE. Note the location photographs of Trausch working with this VERY large camera, made by Kimberlee Venable. More on Trausch's use of this camera HERE.

This work has been up at Raleigh's Flanders Gallery, where you can see more of Trausch's work HERE.  If it comes to a Gallery near you, check it out. This is strong work and the large-format Polaroid process enhances the strength of Trausch's vision.

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