Sweetly Scented Zinc and Enamel

It is always a pleasure to find old vintage zinc and enamelled containers at car boot sales, flee markets, Etsy, ebay or loppis.
Some people say you can't have too many! I guess your limit depends how much storage you have.
Old zinc and old enamel are two materials that age gracefully. A few little dents and even chips does not matter too much.
It is a lot of fun to have a few at hand when you want to make a flower arrangement or hide an ugly plastic pot.

Strong colours like these purple Alliums looks great against the matt grey of the zinc.

White Jasmine with delicate pink buds also shows up well against the mellow grey.


I put two different fragrant thyme in the zinc draw. 

The beautiful Jasmine went in a French enamel container still with its charming writing on it.

Have a sunny day where ever you are!

xoxo Ingrid

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