The on-line magazine Fraction, and its attendant blog, are among the most respected sites on the photography web. They have been in business for three years and have published 28 issues, each assembling work around a central theme, idea, or concept, and each showing portfolios of a number of photographers.
Their choices of photographers over the years constitute a first-rate guide to styles, trends, and practitioners in contemporary fine art photography.
Now Fraction has gone over the the real world and planned a show of work by 30 of the photographers they have featured in the on-line magazine, to be held at the Gallery of the Rayko Photography Center at 428 Third Street, in San Francisco.
The show has been curated by David Bram, the founder and editor of Fraction. It will be called Fraction Magazine: Three Years in the Making. It opens with a reception on August 11th, 2011 and will be up through September 18th.
We discuss this here because photographers with Southern connections are often featured in Fraction. In fact, I have first made the acquaintance of a number of photographers featured on this blog through their appearance in Fraction.