Jack Spencer Workshop Coming Up in October

Distinguished Southern photographer Jack Spencer is offering a rare opportunity to learn from him on-site and in his studio with his first-ever workshop the weekend of October 14-16, in Nashville, Tennessee.

The brochure for this show is here, with lots more information about time, place, staff, and what you need to bring. 

We've discussed Jack's work before on this blog, when he had a major show at the Rebekah Jacob Gallery in Charleston last year.

We noticed his splendid engagement with light, color, and form, and we said that "Jack's mastery of light and color in these images makes for haunting, powerful landscapes that draw the viewer in, deeper and deeper, into Southern landscapes of field and forest, of dirt roads that lead the eye back into the woods where sunlight plays across clearings, of marshlands and seascapes and rolling hills."

 I wish I could make it to Nashville in October, and I recommend that you do just that, if you can. This looks like a real treat.

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