Autumn Picnic

Now is the time to taking advantage of warm autumn days. Pack a basket with warming soup, crusty bread, cheese and some fruit and you are set for an autumn picnic. Wrap up warm and  bring some wool blankets. What could be nicer then to enjoy a crisp autumn day in the garden or the park.

In the UK most Chrysanthemums are available all year around and then I am not talking about imported flowers, mind you they are obviously grown in greenhouses.
I am grateful for the choice at the farmers market as I love to have fresh cut flowers to work with at a very reasonable price.

Fresh locally grown apples are also amazing at the moment. You know the saying - "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." It will be one of your five or nine or however many fruit and vegetables you are suppose to eat a day. I just read that there are over 2000 varieties of British apples. One of my favorites is 'Royal Gala' a sweet and juicy apple perfect for eating and juicing.

Warm apple cider is a perfect drink for this time of year. Heat gently with a cinnamon stick and serve in mugs. You can also make a more elaborate version like this one. 

This sweet little carved and painted bird has followed me from Sweden. I am not sure what kind he is though!

As much as I love colour I also love texture. This combination of textured leaf and hand knitted wool jumper is rich and warming.

I think the textural combination of a basket, a pine cone, an old handwoven blanket and an autumn coloured leaf from the vine Vitis coignetiae is magnificent.

Have a perfect autumn day!

Warm hugs,

xoxo Ingrid

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