Things to Come, Part Three -- More Shows to Watch Out For This Fall

Three more items of interest:

1. Shelby Lee Adams will have a show of his photographs from the salt & truth portfolio, opening September 9th and up through October 9th, 2011, at the Davis Orton Gallery, at 114 Warren Street, in Hudson, NY.

This show is in conjunction with the publication of Adams' monograph salt & truth by Candela Books in October 2011.  

It will be interesting to see what the folks in Hudson, NY, make of Adams' images.

2. Durham, NC-based photographer Christopher Sims is having a show of work from his portfolio Theater of War: The Pretend Villages of Iraq and Afghanistan at the Southeast Museum of Photography, 1200 West International Speedway Boulevard, in Daytona Beach, FL, up now through October 2nd.

3. Savannah-based photographer Jeff Rich continues to have a year to remember. He will be showing work from his Watershed portfolio in several venues early this fall.

He will be in the No Place in Particular: Images of the American Landscape show, up at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville from September 7th until November 6th.

This show also includes work by Jeremiah Ariaz, Bryon Darby, Matt Siber, Steven B. Smith, Amy Stein, Michael Vahrenwald and Scott Wheeler.

He will also have work in the Echoes of the Sublime a show at Emily Amy Gallery, at 1000 Marietta Street, Suite 208, in Atlanta, GA, from September 9 – October 22.

The show will also include work by the following artists: Allyson Ross, John Paul Floyd, Klea McKenna, Wes Cummings, Justin Weaver, Aaron Norberg, Lauren Hughes, Ryan Hendon, Ashley Kauschinger and Megan Gorham.

Jeff will also have a solo exhibition of his work at Virginia Intermont College, in Bristol, Virginia. The exhibition will feature work from the French Broad and Tennessee chapters of Watershed and will be up from September 15th to October 13th in the Anne R. Worrell Fine Arts Center.  

Jeff will deliver a lecture “The Evolution of Watershed” as part of this exhibition on September 19, 201 at 7:30 p.m. in Nunn Recital Hall. This lecture is open to the public.

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