Goodbye Summer...and Southern Magnolia Sugar Flowers

Just when I thought I was ready to think seriously about Fall and the upcoming Holiday Season, I decided I wanted just a bit more time with one of my favorite summertime flowers - the grand Southern Magnolia...

So I put together a few of the over-sized blooms with several buds, and a handful of the gorgeous leaves that are so striking against the flower's white petals. Here are the two-tone leaves before they were dusted and glazed:

And here they are's always amazing to me the difference with just a small addition of dark green petal dust and Confectioner's Glaze:

Open flower with buds and leaves:

Turns out I made these at the perfect time to decorate a small wedding cake design...clean and simple with a little green ribbon to finish:

Very soon after, I had the fabulous opportunity to teach this beautiful flower to a lovely group of students at Baking Arts in San Francisco! Each student made a gorgeous open flower and bud, and a pair of glossy leaves. In addition, we also made my favorite filler flowers...hydrangea and five-petal pulled flowers:

Many thanks to my wonderful all did stunning work, and it was such a pleasure working with you! And thank you to my fabulous host, Richard Festen, of the Baking Arts studio - working with you is a joy - thank you for the opportunity!

I'm looking forward to my final class for the year, and am currently working on plans and details for new classes, workshops, instructional materials and supplies for I'd love to know - what are the top 3 sugar flowers you would like to learn?

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Copyright © 2011 by Jacqueline Butler of Petalsweet Cakes. Content of this blog (including text, photographs and layout) is the property of Jacqueline Butler - please respect copyright laws. If you want to link to my blog, or post any of my photos, please contact me - it would be great to have the opportunity to connect with you. Thank you!

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