Complementary Colours

Yellow and violet are complementary colours and opposite each other on the colour wheel.

I have made a flower arrangement of bright yellow Chrysanthemums and fluffy yellow Solidago or Golden Rod flowers from the Farmers Market combined with cut branches of Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' from the garden. Cotinus or Smoke Bush is a shrub that is very easy to grow and it has deep purple leaves that turns an amazing colour in the autumn.

I have used four violet vases, a small glass bowl, a dark purple Finnish Vuokko fabric and purple flowers in an old vintage book to add to the violet and purple theme.
Vuokko Nurmesiemi is a Finnish designer who in the 1950's started out working for the Finnish design company called Marimekko. She was responsible for most of Marimekko's fabric patterns. In 1960's she left Marimekko and set up her own company called Vuokko named after herself. She produced incredible minimalistic mostly abstract fabric patterns and clothes that was light years ahead of their time. Vuokko is still working and has a shop in Helsinki.

Three small violet vases one filled with the yellow Chrysanthemum flowers the other two left empty.

Coloured glass looks lovely when the light from a window shines through the glass. 

This little pin cushion already had the combination of violet and yellow. I did not even have to do anything. It is a little treasure I found many years ago at an antique market in London. It is probably from the late 1800 or early 1900 judging from the style of the embroidered flower and leaves.

Have a wonderful day!

xoxo Ingrid

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