Jane Packer - Floral Tribute

Jane Packer floral tribute

I was very sad to hear that the London florist Jane Packer died last week.
I had the great pleasure of meeting her a few years back. I was attending a 3-day Fresh Flower arranging course that was held at the Jane Packer shop in New Cavendish Street in London. Jane was very charming and friendly and she spent a lot of time helping and talking to the students as well as signing books. I became a great fan of her and her style of flower arranging.

The image above is from the latest issue of Wedding Flowers. Jane featured in an article called Floral Masterclass making floral wedding arrangements.    

Over the years I also bought several of her books. Throughout her career she wrote thirteen books on top of working as a florist, having flower schools and shops all over the world, creating fragrances and designing a range of vases - she was also a wife and a mother.
She was a role model and an inspiration to a lot of women, florists and flower lovers worldwide.

These images are from her latest book At Home with Flowers published in 2011.

Jane had the ability to take everyday flowers and make the arrangement look natural and stylish. She always said that her inspiration came from nature.

She will be greatly missed by everybody in the flower world.

**  Jane Packer 1959 - 2011  **

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