Petalsweet Sugar Flower Online Video Course

I'm thrilled to announce my new online video course with Craftsy...Hand-Crafted Sugar Flowers!

In this course you will learn how to make two of my favorite sugar flowers - beautiful Hydrangea, and delicate little Filler Flowers. You've seen them a lot in my arrangements, and I'm so excited to be able to share them with you in an online workshop:

Craftsy is an amazing online crafting community featuring online classes about all different kinds of crafts, including knitting, crochet, quilting, paper crafts and sewing...and now sugar flowers! The site is full of fun craft projects and includes amazing courses taught by fabulous Instructors!

Here's the quick story about how it all came together:

The very talented team at Craftsy contacted me to see if I would be interested in working with them to create an online class as their first Sugarcraft Instructor. I loved the idea of being able to share my passion with as many people as I said YES! In November I flew to Denver, Colorado to film for three full days with an incredible team at their offices. And while it was A LOT of work, it was also a ton of fun and an incredible learning experience. Here are a couple of photos from the days were were filming:

I had a great time designing this course...especially since it features two flowers I LOVE to create and use! The course is broken down into 11 Lessons, including how to make gumpaste from scratch (many thanks to the fabulous Nicholas Lodge for granting me permission to feature his recipe), as well as how to create hydrangea centers, buds, petals and leaves...and then also pulled filler flowers, buds and leaves! I also included several variations of the pulled flowers so you can choose the version you like the best...I'm a bit partial to the 5-petal blossoms, but the 4-petal blossoms are pretty cute too!

In addition to creating your flowers, the course also includes my tips and techniques for dusting and coloring...and a lesson in my process for gathering your flowers for an arrangement. There are course materials available too, including a list of where you can find the supplies and tools that I like to use and give me great results!

The Craftsy platform is just brilliant:

*I get to interact with you by answering your questions and offering suggestions
*You can share photos of your finished projects for all of us to enjoy
*You can take courses at your own pace
*The courses are accessible at any time
*Your access to the course NEVER expires
*And they are 100% satisfaction guaranteed

You can sign up for my Craftsy course NOW at a special introductory price...I'm so excited to meet you in class!

Click here to sign up!

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Copyright © 2011 by Jacqueline Butler of Petalsweet Cakes. Content of this blog (including text, photographs and layout) is the property of Jacqueline Butler - please respect copyright laws. If you want to link to my blog, or post any of my photos, please contact me - it would be great to have the opportunity to connect with you. Thank you!

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