The two lovely ladies Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo run the floral design studio Studio Choo in San Francisco where they create flower arrangements and teach flower arranging classes. Their work has also been featured on many design and lifestyle blogs.
In this their first fabulous book The Flower Recipe Book they feature 100 easy floral arrangements. Like in a cookbook you will find a recipe with ingredients and step-by-step instructions for each flower arrangement. The arrangements vary from very easy single stem arrangements to more complex layered arrangements.
This little short video is not strictly a flower arranging video - what it shows you is more what the book is about.
I absolutely loved the book and I will write more about it in a review later on.
The video is only 0:52 min long.
9. How to Arrange Flowers and Create Simple Bouquets, the florist and stylist Nico de Swert shows you how to make a very simple mantle piece arrangement - 3:15 min.
I would love to know what you've thought about the 10 flower arranging videos I have featured here on my blog.