Tiny Blooms - # 34 - Pink Peonies and Sweet Peas

This series of blog posts - called 'Tiny Blooms' - are about small flower arrangements. Small - might be the size of the container or it could be the size of the flowers or the amount of stems. 

It can also be that the arrangement is minimal both in presentation and that it's simple, quick and easy to do. Apart from that there are no other strict rules - I'm allowing myself a lot of creative freedom!

I wanted to create a small bouquet this week for 'Tiny Blooms'. One that maybe your grand-mother would have made - a little bit old-fashioned as well as sweet and romantic.
The flower stalls are full of peonies and sweet peas, so what I got was a combination of gorgeous pink peonies and multi-coloured pink sweet peas. 

I used my grandmother's cut glass vase that she gave me many years ago. At the time I was not too keen on it but now of course I love it. You often see similar at flea markets, car boot sales, loppis or charity stores.

The silver coloured jug, coffee pot and sugar bowl are old silverplated items that I've picked up from flea markets. All the silver is worn off and today has very little or no value - but are great to use as props. 

The arrangement is easy to make. I made a handtied bouquet and then put it in the vase. But you can also make it straight in the vase. Mix in the sweet peas so that the little flowers sit between the large peonies. Also tuck a few around the edge of the vase.

This is a wonderful time of year with so many beautiful flowers around - so make sure you take the opportunity to enjoy them during the short period that they flower.  

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Monday!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back on Wednesday with another 'Creative with Flowers'.


~ xoxo ~

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