Flowers and Vintage Flickr Group - Spring Containers

It has been a long and cold winter and spring and we are all fed up and want the cold to go away!

In my mind it's already spring and I'm determined to stick to that - so here are some spring images from my Flickr group Flowers and Vintage. 

Something Old, Something New...

Image by Ingrid Henningsson for Of Spring and Summer

While I was compiling this post and trying to choose from the over 5.000 images in the group, I realised that, apart from the spring theme, there was another theme running through the photos and that was the choice of containers. None of them are what you would call traditional vases - instead they are a lovely mix of glass jars, a wooden box, a milk pail, a jug, a teapot and some metal containers.

As usual all images link back to the photographers Flickr page and their blog or web site.  


Image by Loreta at allthebeautifulthings

It felt like Spring today
Image by Maria Starzyk at luciaandmapp

Image by Wei

Flowers at home
Image by Susana Oliviera at citrusandorange 

Image by Elena Korostevel at gerbera156

Lila Flowers From My Garden
Image by Lois Slokoski at saltedlemons

Fading fast, but still pretty
Image by Mary McGrady Carver at Mary M

Hyacinths Wrapped in Paper
Image by Ingrid Henningsson for Of Spring and Summer.


Thanks for visiting and making comments.

Till next time!

xoxo Ingrid

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