Floral Media - A Classic Spring Combination from McQueens Flowers

I think by now we are all longing for SPRING!! Here is a short video with a classic spring combination from the top London florist McQueens Flowers.

They have used a handmade chunky container in a neutral colour that adds contrast and texture to the whole arrangement. To start off they are using knobbly pussy willow branches as a framework to support the other flowers and keep them in place. There is quite a few but they are not too tall - in the end just tall enough to sit just above all the other flowers. 

Next they have added eight blue hyacinths as well as several small bunches of blue muscari also called grape hyacinths. Last they add nine white anemones - all three flowers are evenly spread throughout the arrangement.

Remove any broken or damaged leaves on the hyacinths - but leave the bulb part at the end of the stems. The muscari usually comes with lots of it's narrow leaves mixed in with the flowers - add some of those to each little bunch. 

This is a lovely little spring arrangement that is quick and easy to make. Just follow the simple instructions and you'll have one for your table!!

  Have a Lovely Floral Wednesday!

I'll be back later in the week with more floral delights from 
Of Spring and Summer.


~ xoxo ~

[Video provided by McQueens Flowers.]

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