A Bunch for the Weekend - # 74 - Bright Yellow Daffodils

Easter is over but the daffodils just keep coming! Luckily I love bright yellow daffodils at this time of year.

I have used a large vintage pickling jar - its simple, understated and does not take anything away from the flowers.

Flowers like this that is striking in colour as well as shape and texture doesn't need any other flowers - they are just fine on their own.   

Make the bouquet as a spiraled hand-tied bunch or just do it straight in the container. Whichever way make sure all the flower trumpets are facing out. 

If you are making the arrangement straight in the vase - use the shorter flowers around the edges - resting on the edge of the vase and the longer in the middle.  

It makes an attractive dome-shaped silhouette that looks nice from all sides. 

Remember to always cut the ends of the stems before you put them in water. Daffodils are often transported dry to markets and flower stalls. The reason for that is to delay flowering - as soon as they are put in water the flowers start opening up.  

When you first buy the daffodil flowers they don't look like much - long green stalks and not much of the flower is showing. BUT they emerge like butterflies into large yellow trumpets with frilly edges.

And I'm off to buy some more tomorrow Saturday!

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral weekend!

I'll see you on Sunday with another 'Florets - Floral Quote' by someone passionate about flowers - as well as some more floral delights from Of Spring and Summer.


~ xoxo ~

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