Sally Mann at Harvard -- Report from the Scene

Silke Hase at Creative Momentz Photography in Boston went to Sally Mann's lecture at Harvard on Tuesday night and made the image above, and filed a report on her blog HERE.

Mann's lecture series was entitled, "If Memory Serves." 

Silke found Mann's talk "Very poetic, and funny. Very personal. Very inspiring."

Thanks, Silkie, for this report!  I join you in hoping that Mann's lectures are published in the future.

Another report, HERE, this time from Blogger 365. And HERE, from Amy, who has a slew of pictures, including this one, taken at the reception.
Word is that Mann's lectures will be published, so we we can be there too. Thanks to all for making this event available to us who weren't there. Although I will be in Cambridge in a couple of weeks; bad planning on my part.

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