Andy Levin's Students in 100Eyes

New Orleans-based photographer Andy Levin conducted a workshop at PhotoNOLA in 2010 for photographers interested in documenting the homeless in New Orleans. He's published the work of his students in his 100Eyes blog, in an essay entitled Homeless in New Orleans, featuring the work of photographers Kenneth Marti, Meryt Harding, Sarah Hawkins, and Levin himself.

There is powerful work here, well worth your attention. Frustrating, though, that the photographers aren't more fully identified. I can't distinguish the work of one photographer from another in Levin's essay, nor can I find links to their websites, and i can't find their websites through my usual search processes.

If Andy happens on this blog entry and can send me more information, I will be happy to add it to this entry. The work is well worth seeing and the shooters deserve the recognition.

100Eyes is definitely an on-line photo magazine to keep up with, and Andy himself is doing strong work.

Andy grew up in New York City, but moved to New Orleans in 2004. Since then, he as devoted his work to documenting the struggle of economically challenged people for their rights and opportunities and to the relationship between a changing environment and the economically challenged. He was a finalist for the Eugene Smith Prize in 2008.

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