Catching Up: Notes at Midsummer

I've been dealing with connectivity issues recently, so I'm a bit behind in my work. I will try to catch up a bit by pulling together some brief notes on several items of interest.

1. Tommy Kha, Memphis-based photographer, has an essay on his photographic influences on the OneOneThousand blog as a part of their ongoing Visual Influences series.  Tommy has a number of interesting things to say about Southern culture, and on the challenges he faced in constructing for himself a sense of a lineage as a photographer. 

2. Jennifer Schwartz, of Atlanta's Jennifer Schwartz Gallery, has started a program called THE TEN in which she selects a photographer, provides and promotes an online show on THE TEN website, and sells all the pieces in the show for a set price of $250.00.

The current artist featured on THE TEN is Rachel Barrett, whose work looks like it was photographed in the South, but it wasn't.

3. There is a new arts magazine from New Orleans, called Pelican Bomb, and this issue features an essay on the work of photographer Jonathan Traviesa, along with examples of his work, including the image above. 

More later.

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