Southern Photographers Get National Recognition

Two items of interest:

1. New Orleans-based photographer Josephine Sacabo is opening a show of her work called  “Óyeme con los Ojos (Hear Me With Your Eyes),” this Saturday at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, along with her friend sculptor Ersy Schwartz.

The two artists are also the subject of an appreciative feature story in today's New York Times, here.

2. Columbia, SC-based photographer Eliot Dudik (see image above) is now featured on the website LensScratch.

Eliot is also a new member of the faculty at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

This is the university known simply as Carolina in South Carolina, but is known as South Carolina in North Carolina, because there is another institution known as Carolina in North Carolina, but as North Carolina in South Carolina.

Are we clear on that, now?

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